A fundamental belief that search could be done better

Est. 2000

Where it all started

Carbon was born in the year 2000 from a fundamental belief that executive search could be done better through enduring relationships, transparent communication, and forensic research.

Alicia Seoane-Ireland one of the founding members of the firm is Carbon’s current Managing Partner. With the help of talented colleagues, a leading financial services executive search firm was built.

Becoming leaders in our field

So much has happened in financial services over the years - crises, changing regulation, shifts in customer behaviour, digitisation. Businesses have had to pivot many times over, leaders have had to evoke new skills. Carbon has evolved and matured to respond. It is hard to believe that once upon a time we were searching for 'e-business leaders', and back then we certainly could not have predicted what would be required of a CRO or a Non-Executive Director today.

We have built a number of flourishing well-known practices such as our Chief Risk Officer and our Chief Financial Officer practice, which Carbon is particularly recognised for. Much of our work is cutting edge. We often find ourselves redefining traditional roles and constructing new role types. Carbon is well known for attacking with gusto the complex searches that require tenacity and creative thinking. It is never easy, the problems are thorny and there have been searches that lead to one candidate globally who can fill the brief, but we thrive on it.

In 2018, Alicia was handed the keys to take Carbon forward by the Carbon founder. She has taken Carbon into a new era, retaining the values and methodology that they created together and bringing a new dimension through her brand of leadership and her personal experience.

Carbon today

The partners and the whole team at Carbon is excited to have the opportunity to help leaders shape their firms through the people they hire. We know search works best when relationships are at the heart of it. The transformation and magic that happens when like-minded leaders come together is addictive and compelling, and we love being a part of that equation.

Talk to us

about how we can support you with your executive search

Jayne Foster
Head of Assignment Operations
+44 (0) 20 3871 2750